The goal is to never have Brown Patch to begin with. Brown Patch is an environmental expression. If the environment is altered the disease will go away. It must be recognized that Brown Patch likes compacted clay soils with too much water, coupled with cool temperatures. Improve the soil, reduce the water and Brown Patch is no longer a problem. Organics improve soils; chemicals don’t.
Refer to the fall equinox September 23rd as a major date. Around this time St. Augustine under goes a physiological change as it enters into a dormant state. The St. Augustine grows slower; mowing is twice a month rather than weekly. The fall temperatures are lower, there is less ambient heat and so less water is needed. It is time to turn the irrigation systems way down which many people forget and run them like its still summer. Keep in mind the rain that God gives as well. We want to avoid over watering the soil.
Compacted soils will improve with Organics and won’t improve with chemicals. As Organic fertilizers and Humates are applied through out the year, compacted clay soils will become more friable. This means better drainage and oxygen flow which is the opposite of what Brown Patch wants. Finally, if applying a fungicide, make sure it’s MicroGro biological fungicide and not a chemical fungicide. Chemical fungicides are dangerous, expensive and only compound the problem as they destroy the soil microorganisms that improve the soil and fight Brown Patch. Good healthy soils mean adios to Brown Patch.